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Women's health has been a specialty within the practice of Acupuncture/Chinese medicine for thousands of years, it is called: Fu Ku.
Ms. Golden has decades of study and practice in the specialty of Women's Health. During her time as a senior instructor at the Tri-State College of Acupuncture she developed and taught the first dedicated elective seminar on Women's Health from a Chinese medicine perspective. The seminar went on to be integrated into the standard elective curriculum at the College.
Chinese medicine has much to offer in all the phases of a woman’s life cycle; the reproductive years from puberty to menopause and the post reproductive years, where wisdom and health take on new meaning for a woman's life.
In Chinese medicine women's lives are looked at in cycles of seven years. Within the seven year cycles, different stages of engagement with life occur and the expectations and demands shift within these cycles.
Chinese medicine works with established patterns of disharmony that can give clear clinical options for assisting women with the myriad of issues that can emerge in a life-time. The diagnostic tools of feeling the radial artery pulse and observation of the tongue from a Chinese medicine perspective are invaluable in identifying the nuances of an individual and then creating a treatment plan that is empowering to a women to find balance and harmony in body, mind and spirit during the life journey.
Chinese medicine has the potential to assist in many areas of Women's health, here are some of the issues, but not an exhaustive list, where Chinese medicine can be of assistance, either as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other treatment modalities.
I started to consider that I was dealing with infertility issues in 2003. I had had two miscarriages and was 41 years old. I had regular acupuncture treatments, with the focus being on my conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to full term.
I was comforted by Kathleen’s willingness to combine her expertise and vast experience in Acupuncture/Chinese medicine, with my care at a “Western Medicine Infertility Clinic”. I was under Kathleen’s care before, during and after my pregnancy and in July 2005 gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl. Kathleen had a deep, nurturing and intimate connection with both me and my baby throughout my pregnancy. The focus of our work changed to accommodate each stage.
At 8 weeks, I was told that my pregnancy was “not progressing” and I would probably miscarry in a few days. I kept hope alive and one week later, an ultrasound revealed my baby’s very strong and healthy heartbeat. By the time I gave birth, I truly felt as if acupuncture had enabled me to be completely and positively engaged in every moment of my pregnancy.
Also towards the end of the pregnancy, Kathleen started to work with me to prepare my body for breast feeding. This resulted in me very successfully breast feeding for 9 months. I am so appreciative for the vital role of acupuncture in my pregnancy.
Denise M, Nurse and Mother
Kathleen Golden helped my husband and me through a very trying time. After my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at age 39, we sought out a fertility specialist's help but were unconvinced that an invasive measure like IUI or IVF was necessarily the answer. Plus, we were put off by the impersonal nature of the clinic and routine diagnosis. Working with the data from the clinic (we did all the tests), Kathleen devised a personalized treatment plan using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, and helpful lifestyle and nutritional advice. The sum effect, for us, was that it unblocked energy pathways in the body and created better balance in our lives. We didn't give up on our goal and were fortunate to conceive naturally...and give birth naturally at age 42! Today we have a healthy, vibrant 8-month-old son.
In addition, we sought Kathleen out for postpartum lactation support as one in a range of approaches to deal with the crisis. Not only was she able to treat me on short notice but she also soothed my crying infant to boot! I am happy to report we are still breast-feeding and our son is thriving. I recommend Kathleen wholeheartedly for fertility and postpartum support.
Caroline H., Upper West Side Resident, College Professor and New Mother
During my first pregnancy, I had monthly sessions with Kathleen Golden. She helped me to relax, stay grounded and slow down. Like many New Yorkers, I kept an extraordinarily busy schedule. Throughout the nine-month journey, Kathleen gave me helpful advice on how to create space in my hectic life. Following each acupuncture session, I felt rested, centered and at peace.
At 39.5 weeks, I was mentally and physically ready to deliver my baby. I went to Kathleen to help move things along. About 12 hours after my session I felt my first contraction. Later that day I birthed my first child, happy and healthy, at home in my bathtub.
A year and a half later I got pregnant again. Unlike the first pregnancy, this one was not healthy; the baby had sirenomelia. I had a D&C. It was awful. Three emotional and traumatic months later, I still had not gotten my period. I went to Kathleen. In addition to acupuncture treatments, she offered herbs and a particular multivitamin. After taking the herbs/vitamins, and going to treatments once a week for three weeks, I had a day of spotting. Kathleen told me it was possible that I’d miss a period, then my cycle would likely return. This is exactly what happened. I had one day of spotting, followed by cycles of 28-days exactly. Never in my life had I experienced such regularity. I’m thankful to have achieved this without the use of drugs, hormones or other artificial substances that may have been offered.
This short letter only begins to describe how much I value Kathleen and her services. The idea of an OB/GYN office referring to her is truly exciting. I hope the word gets spread far and wide.
Dana M., formerly at W 68th St, currently in Bronxville, Yoga/Gyrotonic Instructor, Financial Professional and Mother
Kathleen Golden is an outstanding acupuncturist who offered supportive, nurturing and highly effective treatments while I was undergoing IUI and then subsequently IVF. Before seeking treatment from Kathleen, my husband and I had been trying to conceive “naturally” for four years. I turned to IUI and IVF reluctantly and was pleasantly surprised to find that Kathleen was entirely open to working with me while I pursued medical fertility treatment. Her counsel, regarding everything from nutrition to essential oils and herbs, enabled me to achieve a healthy, full-term pregnancy.
Now, several years later, as the mother of two children (born two years apart), I have resumed my regular treatments with Kathleen. Within weeks of re-commencing my treatments with her, my acute insomnia diminished, my anxiety lessened, and I began to feel more energized. She has helped me with chronic back pain and cared for me through colds and allergy season.
Thanks to Kathleen’s healing treatments, I have been able to avoid taking sleep medication or pills for managing anxiety and depression. Acupuncture with Kathleen is not a one-time magic bullet; however, an ongoing commitment to a healthful lifestyle combined with regular acupuncture treatments has helped me to live a full, productive, joyous life. I am so thankful to have Kathleen Golden in my life and recommend her treatments wholeheartedly.
Loren E. @ Broadway, Mother
I sought treatment from Kathleen Golden for morning sickness about 2.5 months into pregnancy with my 2nd child. I was getting sick several times a day and at any time of day. During my first pregnancy, I threw up three or more times per day for 8 months, which took its toll on me. I was determined to seek help this time around and hopefully have a more enjoyable pregnancy. Kathleen’s treatments and dietary suggestions enabled me to get control of and eventually eliminate my sickness.
I continued treatment throughout my pregnancy during which Kathleen helped me maintain balance both physically and emotionally and offer home care suggestions. Kathleen was always careful to ask about my OB appointments and I felt she was very conscious of working alongside my OB to give me the best care possible. She helped me to manage and greatly improve chronic sinus/respiratory issues without drugs, supported me through some minor bleeding, and helped me manage lower leg vein issues. I felt physically and emotionally supported when I received worrisome test results and equally supported as I sorted through my concerns about being a 2nd time mother, what changes were ahead and what fears I had from my first experience. She patiently cared for me through what ended up being an 11-day post due date wait.
After the birth of my daughter I went back for a wonderful postpartum treatment to aid my healing. Her care continued when I returned for some postpartum depression that crept up on me as it had with my first child. Though this time, its onset was much later and less severe than it was with my first child and I believe this was due to the care with Kathleen during the pregnancy. Kathleen was able to offer immediate relief while I sought additional help from my doctor and found a therapist.
Having an enjoyable, healthy, and drug-free pregnancy was important to me. I firmly believe that this was made possible due to the holistic, big picture care I received from Kathleen Golden and I consider her part of my ongoing healthcare team.
Rachael V. @ 102nd Street, Mother
I started seeing Kathleen shortly after the birth of my first child, and continued to see her during the pregnancy and birth of my second baby. I have been very impressed by the depth and sincerity of her practice. She is very practical and down to earth, yet very connected to what feel like quite mysterious processes. I believe that she has a gift for this kind of work.
Initially, and unrelated to childbirth related issues, I found that she was able to do deep muscle work with the acupuncture needles and to relieve long standing tension in places in my back and shoulders that I had tried for years to address through massage, stretching, etc. A couple of times this physical work has been accompanied by some kind of an emotional release, in the form of old memories or feelings, and the environment of the "Wellness Center” feels like a neutral place to quietly experience and observe this process.
I saw Kathleen almost every day during the final stages of my recent pregnancy. I went two weeks over term and wanted, if I could, to avoid the labour being induced in the hospital through administration of artificial hormones. These last stages of pregnancy were a very intense and powerful time for me, and Kathleen was very tuned in to this, able to support the process of gradually going deeper inside and preparing for the birth of my baby to happen. This was not necessarily a conscious effort on my part, although I was aware of physical and psychological shifts that were taking place during these days. In particular, on one occasion when Kathleen was working with the needles on my lower back I felt some kind of internal shift (almost a 'clunk') that I believe I later recognized from being in full labour as widening of the cervix in preparation for birth. Kathleen was also able to be aware during these days, in a way that many people are not, of the growing presence and identity of my baby as separate from my own.
Of course not every session is intense as those I describe here, nor would I want them to be! Often I go to acupuncture as a way to regain or sustain some kind of equilibrium, as a way of helping to manage a hectic lifestyle that has many competing demands. Kathleen has a light and unpretentious approach that doesn't try to impose anything, but does allow space for things to go deeper if that's needed. She brings a wisdom and a sensitivity to her work that isn't easily found in the city and I would wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone looking for support around fertility and childbirth issues.
Joanna H., West 106th St., Program Oversight at the United Nations, Mother
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